CALL US - 412-368-0292

Sell your House Fast in Pittsburgh

We make your home selling process painless and simple through the best cash offer. We as a team believe in giving you fast, fair, and transparent cash value for your house. Now, you can sell your Pittsburgh house in any condition by just following easy four steps:

Fill Our Form

Submit the form and provide us with a bit of information about you. You can do this by just filing the below form.

Schedule Meeting

Once you fill the form, we will contact you to set up a quick appointment/meeting. We will ask you some basic questions about your property and give you a fair cash offer.

Sign Contract

If you accept our offer, we send you a contract with a reputable title company. We buy your house on your terms. You can read to ensure all the requirements and needs before signing.

Get Your Cash

Once you sign a contract, just wait for a few days and have your cash in hand. We made the home selling easy and hassle-free.


Best Options to Sell your House Quickly

Choose the Best Way to Sell you House

Get Transparent Cash Offer

Sell with Zero fees, & no effort

Sell Your House Fast with Instant Cash Offer

With us, you can now sell your house in and around Pittsburgh.

Don’t worry, we are not listing your house, we are actually the ones buying your house directly from you and pay cash quickly. The process is very simple and easy as mentioned above.

Copyright © Latitude Properties

CALL US - 412--368-0292